Mad on Music
Music lessons with Mad on Music are held each Friday during the school day. Lessons on offer include singing, keyboard and guitar.
Instrumental music lessons are also offered after school by Creative Music. Click on their logo to find out more.
click on the Mad on Music logo to find out more
Music lessons with Mad on Music are held each Friday. Lessons on offer include singing, keyboard and guitar.
CHESS CLUB enrolment form
St. Joseph’s offers junior and senior lunchtime chess clubs.Chess club meets once a week at lunch time with chess Coach Jim Cannon.
Jim is a highly experienced Chess Coach and was team Captain for Australia in the World U16 Olympiad in Slovakia in 2016. Jim's son, David Cannon has won numerous Australian Chess Champion titles.
Coach: Jim Cannon, PhD (UMelb), Dip Ed (UMelb)
Email: jimphd2000@gmail.com

VINNIES After School Reading Club
This program runs from 3.15pm – 4.30pm each Wednesday afternoon and is supervised by a member of St Joey’s staff and is staffed by Vinnies Education employees and Secondary School Students from Santa Maria College. The program is designed for children to further develop their love of reading, experience reading one on one and to improve their reading skills.
The program runs as a Reading Club open to students in Grades 2-6. It is not a homework, tutoring or remedial English class, rather it is an opportunity for children to enjoy books and experience the benefits of reading.

Todd's Tennis Coaching
Tennis lessons are available for all students from grades prep to six.
Children are collected from the school yard after school and escorted across to The Courts on Westbourne Grove.
Spots are available for new students.
Please contact Matthew Todd on 0414 628 633 or
CLICK HERE for more information

Kelly Sports offer Dance Club at lunchtimes on a Monday and after
school sports activities on a Thursday (3:15pm - 4:30pm).

The Premiers’ Reading Challenge encourages children and students to read a set number of books over the year and record their efforts online. Since the Challenge first began in 2005, more than 3 million students have read nearly 51 million books.

Green Team Belief Statement:
The Green Team believe that we can work together to make St Joseph’s Primary School a greener, more sustainable school.
The Green Team will work together to:
organise environmental awareness days at school
promote sustainable living and working at St Joseph’s Primary School
make our school community aware of environmental issues and the impact they have on our world.
The Green Team meets every Tuesday afternoon to discuss environmental issues that are relevant to the school, and to plan a variety of actions to help create a greener school.