At St Joseph’s we centre our teaching on an evidence based learning approach. We empower children to have a voice in their own learning journey and to ask the questions: Where am I at? How am I going?
Where to next?
We encourage children to articulate what they are learning, and work with them to explain the steps they need to achieve their learning goals. Our staff work with the children to frame positive mind-sets and learning dispositions so that when they are challenged, they are equipped with the tools and skills to move forward and continue to learn.
We encourage children to take risks, to experiment, to make mistakes and to use these mistakes to learn. We want our students to know that mistakes are positive and provide a platform for learning.
Our teachers are clear about what they want the children to learn, and our children are clear about the expectations that will enable them to achieve their learning goals.
At St Joseph’s Primary School, we believe that a successful language program is one in which reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing are integrated in a supportive and stimulating environment. Our students are exposed to a large range of written, visual and spoken texts in printed and electronic forms. They are supported in making meaning from all text types by developing the knowledge, skills and strategies to read, view and listen critically and to think, speak and write with confidence.
A range of interventions exist to support students who require further assistance and to cater for those requiring extension in the area of Literacy. Included in these interventions are programs such as Little Learning Love Literacy (LLLL) a synthetic phonics program, Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Year Prep-6 Target Teaching groups and Writer’s Notebook.
At St Joseph’s our Mathematics Program starts with your child. Knowing our students and their individual strengths and learning needs ensures that classroom activities focus on developing and extending the mathematical capabilities of all learners. Our Mathematics Program strives to promote a positive attitude about mathematics for all students and allows them to develop confidence and appreciation for this domain. We use a range of ongoing assessment methods and tools to identify what children currently know and plan the next steps for their learning. Our students learn in a variety of settings including like-ability and mixed-ability groups, as well as whole-class and individual tasks.
The Australian Curriculum provides the developmental overview of learning outcomes at each year level, which teachers use to plan and sequence learning experiences appropriate for their classes. Over the course of their primary schooling, children develop essential skills and knowledge in the content strands of:
• Number and Algebra
• Measurement and Geometry
• Statistics and Probability

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At St Joseph’s Primary School, we believe that that Inquiry Based Learning allows all students to be actively involved in their own learning and to take responsibility for that learning. Inquiry allows each student’s understanding of the world to develop in a manner and at a rate that is unique to that learner. Inquiry, interpreted in the broadest sense, is the process initiated by the student or the teacher that moves the student from his or her current level of understanding to a new and deeper level of understanding.
Through rich, holistic and flexible inquiry students are provided challenging, and stimulating learning experiences, allowing them to explore and build on their knowledge and understandings.
Children’s Inquiries learning may lead them to explore the areas of:
The Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business)
The Arts
At St Joseph’s Primary School the beliefs and practices of our Catholic faith and tradition are embedded in every aspect of our lives.
We aim to provide opportunities for our community to recognise God’s presence in their daily lives, in those around them and in their environment. Learners are encouraged to develop their personal relationship with God and staff aim to empower students to live a life based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
As a Catholic school, prayer is a part of daily life at St Joseph's. Classes begin each day with prayer and have opportunities throughout the school year to participate in liturgical celebrations and Masses.
Students in the Middle and Senior classes participate in the Sacramental Program to prepare for:
Reconciliation (Year 3)
First Eucharist (Year 4)
Confirmation (Years 5 and 6).
St Joseph's students have specialist teachers for:
Physical Education
Visual Arts
STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
LOTE (Mandarin)
Performing Arts.
St Joseph's Primary School promotes contemporary learning and innovative teaching practices. The use of Digital Technologies is embedded throughout the curriculum to support and enhance collaborative, inquiry-based learning and teaching practices.
Students at St Joseph's have access to Chromebooks, Microsoft Surfaces Pros and Apple MacBook computers. From Years 3-6 we have a 1:1 student to device ratio.
St Joseph's Primary School uses G-Suite for Education as a day to day e-Learning tool and See-Saw to share student learning with parents and families.